Samstag, 27. Juli 2024

New publication on HipHop and Music Education: It's How You Flip It

It's published! The volume "It's How You Flip It. Multiple Perspectives on Hip-Hop and Music Education" (2024) edited by Linus Eusterbrock, Chris Kattenbeck and Oliver Kautny, published at Transcript.

You will find my contribution "Invisible Skillz. Thoughts on Hip-Hop as an Artistic, Creative Culture" inside the book!

About the book:

The book combines contributions from the US and Europe on cultural practices of hip-hop, which have been among people's favorite forms of popular culture for decades. Due to this popularity, rap, breaking, graffiti, beatboxing and other practices have entered the field of education. At the intersection of hip-hop and music education, scholars, artists, and educators cooperate in this volume to investigate topics such as representations of gangsta rap in school textbooks, the possibilities and limits of working with hip-hop in an intersectional critical music pedagogy context, and the reflection of hip-hop artists on their work in music education institutions. In addition, the contributors provide ideas for how research and theory can be transferred and applied to music educational practice.
The contributions are accompanied by responses from various scholars and practitioners who offer pedagogical and/or artistic perspectives on selected contributions. Here, their own positions and perspectives are given space and expand the academic dialog.

And the exciting news: it's Open Access! Download your copy here!

More Info about the book here.

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024

Breaking and the Olympics - Podcast and radio interviews!



I had the pleasure to do several interviews for radios and podcasts. Some of them within the media campaign #womenofthegames by Paris 2024. 

Here is a selection - they are all in German language :)

  • Interview with Dr. Fanny Optiz for SRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen) about Breaking, its heritage in african diaspora cultures and the Olympics within "Künste im Gespräch": Von der Straße auf die Bühne. Breaking wird olympisch (SRF, 25.07.2024)
  • Podcast "Unboxing News" about how Breaking is judged, where it's coming from and and why it will only be in Paris 2024 "Breaking - nur einmal olympisch?" (Deutschlandfunk NOVA on 25.07.2024)
DLF Nova / Unboxing News



Freitag, 19. Juli 2024

Global HipHop Studies Journal - Special Issue "Breaking and the Olympics"


I am thrilled to announce that the article "Breaking in Morocco: Opportunities and challenges for professionalization and gender equality in the run-up to the 2024 Olympic Games" by Friederike Frost & Jaspal N. Singh (2023) is now published in the Global HipHop Studies Journal and available as open access! 
Edited by Mary Fogarty and Jason Ng, the Global HipHop Studies Journal Special Issues “Breaking and the Olympics” (GHHS 4.1-4.2) explore contemporary debates about breaking in the Olympics, developments in local breaking scenes, historic reference points and develop critical discourses that can offer insight to practitioners, cultural organizations and institutions. In these double issues, members of the global community of breaking scholars and practitioners have come together to present research and artist statements that engage local, regional and national perspectives.

Issue 4.1 and 4.2 are available as open access: 


Friederike Frost & Jaspal N. Singh (2023): 

In Morocco, breaking’s formalization through governmental bodies already took off years ago and federations have played a crucial role in the organization, implementation and control of competitions. Formal institutions have shaped the local scenes and provided opportunities but also posed challenges for breakers on the ground. In this article, we explore formalization, gender inequalities and pathways for professionalization in Morocco in the run-up to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Utilizing ethnographic vignettes, interviews and survey data, we investigate how dancers navigate the top-down institutionalization of breaking and we give voice to their criticisms. We discuss how the formalization of breaking affects the Moroccan breaking scene, what critical opinions about this formalization exist and how formalization can be organized in culturally sustaining ways. In our investigation we paid particular attention to opportunities for professionalization and achieving gender equality for dancers from the Global South as well as the question of access to the western structure of the Olympics. We found that institutional formalization is perceived as disappointing and detrimental to the long-term and bottom-up development and self-organization, while nevertheless also opening up support and new opportunities for professionalization and achieving equality for b-girls.

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024

Fachexpertin für Breaking - Olympische Spiele Paris 2024

Kölner Rundschau, Juli 2024
Durch die Aufnahme von Breaking in die Olympischen Spiele 2024 in Paris erhält Breaking neue Aufnerksamkeit seitens der Medien. Was macht Breaking aus? Wie wird es bewertet? Wie kommt es, das Breaking nun eine olympische Disziplin ist? Es gibt viele Fragen, die zu beantworten sind.

Ich freue mich, hier als Ansprechpartnerin und Interviewpartnerin für die Kampagne #womenofthegames von Paris 2024 - wo es das erste mal eine Gender Equality in Hinsicht der Anzahl der teilnehmenden Athlet:innen gibt - und für die Liste der Expertinnen und Experten zu den Olympischen und Paralympischen Spielen der Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln dabei zu sein.

Vielleicht findet ihr ja ein Interview mit mir in der nächsten Zeitung?