You will find my contribution "Invisible Skillz. Thoughts on Hip-Hop as an Artistic, Creative Culture" inside the book!
The book combines contributions from the US and Europe on cultural
practices of hip-hop, which have been among people's favorite forms of
popular culture for decades. Due to this popularity, rap, breaking,
graffiti, beatboxing and other practices have entered the field of
education. At the intersection of hip-hop and music education, scholars,
artists, and educators cooperate in this volume to investigate topics
such as representations of gangsta rap in school textbooks, the
possibilities and limits of working with hip-hop in an intersectional
critical music pedagogy context, and the reflection of hip-hop artists
on their work in music education institutions. In addition, the
contributors provide ideas for how research and theory can be
transferred and applied to music educational practice.
The contributions are accompanied by responses from various scholars and
practitioners who offer pedagogical and/or artistic perspectives on
selected contributions. Here, their own positions and perspectives are
given space and expand the academic dialog.
And the exciting news: it's Open Access! Download your copy here!
More Info about the book here.