Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024

Breaking and the Olympics - Podcast and radio interviews!



I had the pleasure to do several interviews for radios and podcasts. Some of them within the media campaign #womenofthegames by Paris 2024. 

Here is a selection - they are all in German language :)

  • Interview with Dr. Fanny Optiz for SRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen) about Breaking, its heritage in african diaspora cultures and the Olympics within "Künste im Gespräch": Von der Straße auf die Bühne. Breaking wird olympisch (SRF, 25.07.2024)
  • Podcast "Unboxing News" about how Breaking is judged, where it's coming from and and why it will only be in Paris 2024 "Breaking - nur einmal olympisch?" (Deutschlandfunk NOVA on 25.07.2024)
DLF Nova / Unboxing News